starting out great but all i hear is my husband yelling at me because I am moving to slow and not ready to go is a few things before I am gone till monday.....So this weekend we are going to my in-laws today, up north Sunday to see my hubby's hunting land then to a family picnic, then home Sunday night so that I can go golfing Monday! My husband will meet me there with the babe so I can take him swimming before the pool closes for the season. We will then eat there because they have a great picnic on the holiday's! Then home for a movie possibly but who knows! This morning/afternoon we just hung out the 3 of us because we haven't had a weekend were we can just relax yet this summer and funny how its almost over! Thats what a big family and kids of your own does to you! Thats fine with me because i would rather have it being busy with family then have nothing to do and no one to do it with plus in the end family is who you end up with!! Two more weeks and we are headed down to fl. and I cant wait because i am going to take Robbie swimming everyday. Well and he will have to go shopping to but he doesn't mind that just as long as i get him something. Well I am off to pack and get ready for this long weekend! Ill post pictures of the weekend when i get back! I put some new ones up so take a look!
This video was right after I had given him the "that was easy" button. I bought it for my day for one of his birthdays and he loved it. We would always use it and now I will let my son press it. Also he is creeping a ton faster than earlier this week utoh that means he is all over the place....
Saturday, August 30, 2008
glass bottle

So I am on a new kick I am getting glass bottled milk for my family! I like the way it tastes yea its like a dollar if that more then wegmans milk but its not watered down so it fills you more than the other stuff. It's better because it doesn't have the chemicals that the plastic has. That's why I use glass baby bottles to! It's better for the environmentjavascript:void(0)
Publish Post and thats my new thing helping being more green!
Thursday, August 28, 2008
move it robbie bobbie
so my son is now learning the start of crawling!!!! He doesn't have it yet but soon he will! He gets his knees under him and then moves back and forth but doesn't get how to move one knee then the other and the arms to. It is cute to watch him try though because he gets frustrated and then just wales his arms and legs up and down like he is swimming! Well its okay if he doesn't crawl just yet because then I will be chasing him all over the house. I am starting to baby proof the house now because he will soon be by stairs and that just scars me. I don't want him to hurt himself at all so I am getting gates and the outlet plugs and well you get the point all of the baby proof things. He gets into everything just laying there on his blanket he rolls off and there he is right into the whatever is on the floor next to him so that means i have to vacuum everyday and make sure before I put him down there is nothing small that will get into his little mouth. It is scary now because all he does is puts everything in that little mouth because he doesn't know any better! This just means my eyes are on him the whole time he is on that floor!!!! well I will try and post a video of him moving his little tush but I don't know if it will go but look at a few new pics I put up!
Monday, August 25, 2008
Friday, August 22, 2008
cant wait
I cant wait for go to the aquarium in Baltimore. I don't know when we will go maybe in the fall just for a night but when we do i cant wait. So i was on their website and you can make a fish face so I did! look at it!
Kates fish face
Kates fish face
Thursday, August 21, 2008
zoo..pool....and more
So on Monday I went to the zoo with my friend H and her two kids and that was a ton of fun. I love going to zoo's and aquariums so it was a great day a little to hot but it was fine. Then I came home and went with my husband to his test and later find out that "better luck next time" is what they said and so I support him and said you did great because he trained hard these last 3 weeks so now we just work at it for Oct and the spring! Today I went to the pool with my sister in-law it was so much fun to have the baby at the pool he loves water so he was just kicking while he was in there! I cant wait to take him to FL. (3 more weeks) because we will be at the pool everyday. This weekend is going to be hard its my dads 2 year anv. since he past away so we are just spending it with my family and trying to make the best of it so i know i wont be back on here to update till after the weekend. Well jewelry party tonight so i better go get ready! I'll put up pics when I have a little more time.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
So it's almost two years now that my dad has been gone and it still feels like it was yesterday! I just remember that Wednesday I left work and was heading to the apt to get ready for our softball game and then I get the phone call to hurry to my house. I knew something was wrong because I called my husband to tell him I was going to be late and was ranting and raving about it but he was like just go home don't worry. I then was speeding home and calling my mom sister and dads cell phone. Then I get home to my aunt on my deck and I was like what is going on silly me though rob was going to ask me to marry him but no the worst news of my life. I fell to the floor in my kitchen and just screamed I wanted to run away I wanted to go back to that 4pm while I was still at work and happy. Yes I know it is a part of life and I know everyone deals with this someday but I was 23 when I lost my daddy and I am 25 now married with a baby. Death is a different experience for everyone but the void in the heart is the same. My dad missed a lot of important things these past two years marriages and babies. The thing that gets me is my son or my other kids I will eventually have will never meet him. He would have been such a great grandpa and I just wish he was here to be a grandpa. Its such a hard time right now and the tears are just coming at any giving time of the day. :-(
Saturday, August 16, 2008
friday sat sunday......
So Friday night I made dinner and my husband mowed the lawn. I then ate with out him because he was on the phone and the baby gives me like a little window to eat before he fusses so by the time my husbands "hold on one min ill be right in" phone call was done he came in and ate by himself. Then we walked to my sisters with my hubby pushing the stroller and me with jackson in one hand and a lemon-aid mixer in my other! It was such a great walk because it was cool out and the sky was soooo clear you could see all the stars! We watched the Olympics and then walked home! Saturday I sold a couple things on craigs list (I'm addicted new job) went to the farmers market and came home to my brother and sister in-law! We sat with them and hung out for a little while. Later that night I made some homemade pickles. I love making pickles and the ones i made were my aunts new recipe and boy are they yummy doubt they will last the week! Today we are being a bit lazy. I cooked all morning made zucchini and tomato's, beet salad, and just some tomato and onion! Yummy! I love cooking it relaxes me and boy do i need that. My husband is working out for the last time before his test tomorrow so I'm very nervous for him! I just cant wait till I get his phone call tomorrow night after he finishes to hear how he does. I hope he does great well i dont care how he does just as long as he passes it! Now me and the babe are having some quite time before daddy gets here! new pictures will be on here today at some point so have fun looking!
Thursday, August 14, 2008
fast note
baby is crying so here is a fast pics of john and maria's my cousins house for his birthday which was a ton of fun and I am so glad that i called them that day!! I def. want to do that again soon! Then some random shots of the babe! have fun looking!
Saturday, August 9, 2008
So my mom, Robbie, and I walked down to the market this morning and met my sister. We got our fruits and vegis for the week! Robbie had a great time for a 5month old. I cant wait till he is older and I can get him treats when we are out!!!! He feel asleep on the way home and it was sooo cute! I posted so new pictures and I have some video of the baby so enjoy!
Press the play button there is a video even though you cant see a picture.
Press the play button there is a video even though you cant see a picture.
Friday, August 8, 2008
5 months!!!
my baby is 5 months today!! I will put some pictures up later today! Awww my baby is getting so big its crazy!
Thursday, August 7, 2008
new photos
I put up new pictures and i will keep adding to it! As you can see Robbie is getting bigger!!! jackson got his hair shaved off and i love it. Its nicer for him because he is not as hot and the hair doesn't get all over the house as much....he will stay shaved!!!!!
Here is a video I took of Robbie this morning just looking around then he looks right at the camera and its like he is thinking what is that thing!!!
Here is a video I took of Robbie this morning just looking around then he looks right at the camera and its like he is thinking what is that thing!!!
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
its cute when....
so I have been trying to sit the baby up more so he can teach himself to sit up! He is doing okay but I have to hold on to him so that he doesn't fall right over or put pillows all around him so he doesn't bump his head! It's funny to watch him because he discovered his feet like 3 weeks ago and he just loves them. He looks at them and puts them to his mouth!!! It's so cute to just watch him look at them like what are these things! It's also cute when I am feeding him his night time bottle and daddy walks in and he just smiles like wow where have you been all day! I just smile because he just looks so happy! I love babies because they have no one can be mean to him, no one can make fun of him and if they do that is their own problem, he doesn't feel unwanted or insecure. I just wish he would feel like that his whole life!
Monday, August 4, 2008
and the yankees win!!!!
....the trip began by leaving Friday night going to my in-laws in cuse staying there so that were that 1 hour closer to nyc! My in-laws were in Ohio so it stinks that we didn't get to see them but they probably were happy because Robbie didn't sleep at all. He was up crying all night long and I am not sure if it was the new surrounding or that he is teething. So after we only got 3 hours of sleep we go up at 5 and got ready and left for NYC. We arrived in the big apple around 1130. It was great and the parking was good to because we were there really early. The gates didn't open till 1230 so we got all ready and then walked around a little bit! Then we went in and tried to wait in line for monument park but oh wow that was like a 5 hour line and we were not even going to make it in because they close it once the game starts. So we walked around got some beer and just chilled out. Then after the rain stopped we took are seats and waited for the old timers game to start. Robbie didn't like the clapping and yelling every time he would scream so loud but your couldn't even hear him! finally he fell asleep but then once the game started he woke up! I then help him because he was just not having the whole everyone scream when something happens. So I rocked him and he then discovered there was a girl sitting behind us that he could flirt with so that was good because it entertained him for a good 15 min. then back to the crying. So I walked him down and just stood at the opening to the stairs that go to our seats. There was another guy standing there with a 6 month old and it was funny because everyone that walked by said "twins" so the guy finally starts to tell people no "angles" because duh thats who we were playing it was funny! Then rob came down and we walked the whole stadium which was nice. Finally Yankees win, we meet up with jeff and randy talk to them for a little bit which was nice to see them, and then it was back to Rochester. We pulled in around 230am! It was a great trip and I am so happy that we did it because Robbie will have tons of pictures to remember this day in the old Yankee stadium! I cant wait to go to another game! check out the photo album there will be all the pics!
Friday, August 1, 2008
yankees game....
so we are off to the Yankees game tomorrow! Cant wait and my grandma got Robbie the cutest little Yankee outfit! i will post the pics when we get home! Till then.....
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