Tuesday, September 30, 2008
So my son is now crawling yes if you didn't already know I won that bet! He started that Sunday that we got home from our vacation so now he is going all over the place and pulling him self up to stand. So I am right there following him trying to catch his fall! He is a cutie with a bruise on his forehead because he fell...welcome to mommy hood is what i call it. He is a tough boy though because he doesn't really cry unless he really gets hurts like when he was standing in his crib and he must have hit his head and i hear him screaming...all i have to say is he is keeping me busy now! He is down to taking a morning nap and then going to bed early and sleeping in which is nice! but i have learned that he will do what he wants when he wants to! I cant wait to take him apple picking and then to get his first pumpkin! Awww this is so much fun having a little baby! oh and his eye that had the clog tear duct finally cleared up while we were in Hilton head. It got really bad in florida one day and then the next day gone no more yucky eye!
our vacation
so we are back home! the vacation was great Florida was fun and seeing the family is always a great thing! Staying with my cousin mike and his kids is always a great time! Robbie loved April and had so much fun playing with her and he loved Matt as well. Matt is 6ft yes that is right and is only a freshman so Robbie would just stare at how tall he was it was cute! We all went swimming and had races it was sooo much fun! We also played ping pong which i love now and i did improve before i left! I want to get a table so i can get better before i go back! We went to my cousin Kathy's house and saw her grandson who is 1 year and he was so cute. When collin saw robbie he went over and gave him a hug it was adorable. We got to have aunt lala and grandma's chicken with great potato's from aunt rita! Then another night we got uncle Mauro's famous pizza which was sooo good Matt tried to tell him it was cold but he laughed and said eat it! I made my crab dip well grandpa's recipe but anyways i cut my thumb thought i cut it off due to the bleeding because it didn't hurt until the next day! Rob and I went to my grandma's old house well land now because their house was torn down because of the hurricane. We went there because i always try to go when i am in Florida to see the land. We had so many memories there it is sad that my son wont have any there but he will know where it is. We went to the fruit stand by their house that always has great stuff you can see the pictures. Before we left for Hilton Head we went to matt's cross-country race. It was great to see because it reminded me of when i ran. I felt bad though because they run in heat and that must be really hard. After his race we packed up say our good byes and off the HHI we went. It was beautiful there and I felt bad that my grandma, lala, Mauro and rita couldn't come. It was so nice our place was so big Robbie even got his own room! Our view was so great and it was so relaxing. We went to the beach, pool, rented bikes, golfed, and shopping! On the beach deck they had beer n bucket night. yes beers and buckets of shrimp and crab and omg was it ever good! Also there is this pizza shop that had an amazing meatball wedgie they call it is like a calzone but not as doughy. I want one right now hahah can you tell that i am the biggest food lover ever! It was fun and I cant wait to go back for easter! It will be nice because my brother and sister will be there and there will be more things for all of us to do! well back to laundry and cleaning. I posted some pictures of our trip so enjoy!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
miss me......
so we are in the sunny state just enjoying ourselfs.....robs working and im just hanging out going to the malls swimming at night and we went to the light house. Its 90 out and to hot for the baby so its hard for me to sit out and get some son. in HH i am planning to sit out because my hubby wont be working and i will have someone to lay out with! we went to a mall that is where all the celberties go when they are here it is very nice but you can only look unless you have millions to spend.! so we went and looked and of course we went to janie and jack and they had a sale so grandma got robbie 2 outfits....thats our fav store! today another mall tomorrow my hubby and i are going to where my grandma use to live and then friday sitting in the sun and going to have uncle mauros hoemmade pizza!! so we are busy and having a ton of fun! the baby is good tired but good and i took him swimming last night and he loved being in the pool at night! the water is 92 so he thinks its just a big bath! well enough for now talk to you all later...i put up some pics because my sister has been waiting to see the baby because he is now sitting up! we got in sat morning and we went to aunt ritas and there he was getting him self up and now its just so easy for him to! and this morning he got up on his knees in the crib waiting for us to get him out of bed! he is getting big!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
before i go....
SO before i leave on vacation i wanted to let you know my son went to the doctors and weights 17lb and his height is 27inches. He is healthy and got his 3 shots and the first one he didn't even cry because he was laughing then the next two he looked at me and started screaming! didn't do as well as heathers little girl but did good for what he usually does! Well so long for now i will try to update down in the sunny side but who knows if i will....well i know my sister wants to see my son because i got him new shades...check them out! I did a little fashion show before we left its funny! look below and then i added more in the photo album to! well talk to you all later!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Monday, September 8, 2008
I Win!
I won the bet between me and my hubby! The bet was when will Robbie crawl. Mama said after 6months Dada said before 6months. The babe is creeping not crawling so mama wins! I asked if he wanted to bet which tooth comes in first but he knows better seeing as i studied that in college! Well better luck next time daddy!
weekend/week/my baby is 6months old today!
Today my baby is 6 months and I cant even hardly believe it. 1/2 year old its crazy hmmm He may need a present. He is getting so big and its like every day he is growing more and more. Ill let you know his weight and height we go to the drs Wednesday so place your bets hahaha So this weekend was okay it went by fast. Friday after i babysat my hubby didn't get home till 8ish so then we just ate dinner and watched tv. I finished my book "second chance" and then he got me addicted to mafia wars on myspace hence i didn't go to bed till 2am its a very bad addiction lol. Then sat i decided to make sauce. It was so yummy and i made a ton so i froze it so that the next time we have pasta i have it. Also i decided that i will make it homemade from now on because its easy and good. Sunday my hubby worked so it was just me and the babe hanging out all day together then to my aunts for my cousins b-day party. Today and Wed I babysit and Thursday work then off to Florida on Friday which i am so excited for! So I need to pack, get some cloths for me and the baby for the trip and get everything ready plus my hubby needs to put a hitch on my car. nothing like waiting for the last minute which i don't get in some men because we got it like 3 weeks ago...i think he likes to get my bp up. Then jackson needs to be brought to my in-laws so that he has a place to stay and if not there i have no clue where we will leave him I might make some calls today but no kennels because i could never do that to my puppy. well i will post some pictures later today probably tonight. thats it for now!
Thursday, September 4, 2008
So I posted new photos in the august and now the sept. album. I cant believe that it is September already! It is crazy how fast summer went by and now fall is here. Well I start teaching this week and I started babysitting 2 days a week for my cousin. She has 4 kids and I love to do it because it helps her out and I can be with the baby and my cousins so it works out for us all! 2 are in school and then I have the other 2 till the other ones come home. It was fun yesterday the girls love Robbie and all they do is want to play with him and it will be nice to have him there with little kids! Well so long for right now! ohh yea i cant wait for Florida!!!!!!!!!
So for labor day weekend it was good. We went to my in-laws on Sat night and then Sunday drove up north to my hubby's hunting land and then up to his family camp for the picnic. It was fun and everyone got to see Robbie so that was good but there was no mac and cheese. I always love their homemade mac and cheese even though i make it once fall hits but I just always look forward to that the most. I love homemade mac and cheese its just sooooo good my aunt Margie also makes a really good one to that I love. Anyways off the food, then on our way home we stopped to see rob's aunt Glenda. When we go up there I love to stop by to see them because we don't see them that often. Rob's cousin was there with her son and it was so cute. He was getting all his cars and bringing them to Robbie one by one it was soooo cute. Then got the mega blocks and played with those then was crawling trying to get the babe to do the same. It was cute and I am so glad we got to see them! Then we got home around 12ish and the next day I let Rob sleep in and Robbie and I went for a walk with my mom and sister and then I was suppose to go golfing with my grandma but she ended staying at my aunts cottage longer so rob and I did lawn work. It was good because we needed to get it done before we leave for Florida. Then we went to the pool for it was the last day it was open which is sad because Robbie loved going in but next summer will be good because he will be older and will like it more I hope. That was our weekend in a nut shell! Now to the pictures that I will post but for now to the baby he is crying for his mommy!
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