So I have been doing some cooking. I have made chicken noodle soup and today I made some lemon pudding and homemade wheat bread. The lemon pudding came about because it sounded good and I wanted my son to try it. He def. has my taste buds along with both of his grandpas. My dad loved lemon meringue pie and so does robs dad. There he was eyeing the pudding and then once he tasted it he was talking well what he does for talking loud so i would give him more. He was crazy about it. So I know he will be dreaming of that tonight! The bread came from my great grandmas recipe that I wanted to try to make. So in the store I told my mom and she looked at me like okay but I don't think you can do it tonight. Little did I know that it takes a long time but thats because reading the directions came after I started to make it. My great grandma probably made white bread but i had wheat flour and decided to try it. So there I was 5lbs of flour mixing up to my elbows son screaming and I couldn't get him this is why my hubby needs to come home. I did manage to get through it though 5 hours later hahaha. There are 3 rising processes to it: first 1hour then kneed next 1/2hour then roll out 5 pieces last put in bread pans and rise 1hour then bake 1hour. So its in the oven now and smells so good. I'll let you know how it turns out! I love making things homemade ! Side note is that I had to get something out of the fridge and I left it open with my son on the floor in the kitchen and there he went to the fridge and climbed in....omg he is hell on wheels just going every where and getting into anything he can! take a look...I did add a few new ones to the album to!

mom those pickles sure look good!