You Are 88% Ready to Be a Parent |
You are totally ready to be a parent. You pretty much have your life in order. In fact, there's a good chance you've been thinking about starting a family. You are financially and emotionally stable. You would provide a good home for a kid. It's also likely that you understand kids well. You've spent a fair amount of time around children. If you're already a parent, you are doing great! Keep it up. More kids wish they had parents like you. |
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
this is funny.....88% and im going on to #2
what it says about me!
What Your Thanksgiving Meal Says About You |
When it comes to the holidays, you follow and love the big traditions. You look forward to them every year. You see the holidays as a time to be close to loved ones. It's a good time to reconnect and make memories. You like the more adult aspects of the holidays - parties, cocktails, and having time off from work. During the holidays, you are likely to feel energetic. At your worst, you feel bored. You consider yourself to be a bit of a purist, and you're proud of it. You tend to spend your holidays sharing and pitching in. You'll do whatever needs to be done. |
Monday, November 24, 2008
turkey time!
I love the holidays and I cant wait for thursday! We painted the whole downstairs and cleaned out a ton of stuff. Now we just have to get the basement ready and set the tables and get all the odd and ends ready for the day. We have 30 people coming so it will be fun! Then friday me and my sister in-law will go shopping at 5am we started that last year and i hope we keep it a tradition every year!!! We love doing that and you get good deals so its worth it if you can deal with the people! Then my husband and I will go to syracuse later that afternoon to see my husbands family. Then it will be back to work and counting down the days till christmas! I cant wait for my son to have his first christmas it will be so much fun! He is getting so big he has his two teeth coming in and he is just growing like a weed! Well his is waking up from his nap so that means i have to go but i will be back soon!
Thanks to my fav. best friend H for all the backgrounds and my page she is so good to me! love yaH!
Thanks to my fav. best friend H for all the backgrounds and my page she is so good to me! love yaH!
Friday, November 7, 2008
so we are painting our house now. We finished the bathroom and now the kitchen and this weekend i am doing the hallway and the living room! lots of work to be done! its fun though because it looks so different. this house has been the same since my mom and dad moved in. I mean my dad did paint like 10 years ago while my mom and us girls were in florida but we came home to see that he did the same paint color as before! I was laughing about it because its just so funny that he would paint with my brother while we were away and not do some bold colors or something for us to go wow! I love my daddy for that because it makes my job easier painting over white!!!! Well so this will be it for a little while.... night night.
grow baby grow
so my son is getting bigger and bigger every day! he will be eight months tomorrow and i cant even believe the time has gone by that fast. I am so lucky to have him here with me and a husband that loves us both. I get to be home with my son and when i do work my mom watches him which is nice because we don't need to pay for day care and anyone with kids knows how $$$$ that can be! So i just think of being eight months pregers and its just crazy that i was just getting ready to have this little bundle of joy! my son is getting his first tooth in! No one bet on this one though but if they did i think i would have won because I was saying this time anyway seeing as us dental people learned tooth eruption! Well that's it for now!
Monday, November 3, 2008
so this Halloween was fun because i got to dress up my son! yes this is the truth i still trick or treat. some might think its not right but i always feel if you dress up and not just a shirt but all out dress up you should get candy! I get this from my daddy because he always dressed up and did every year! so my husband and i dress up and it is fun every year. This year we were shrek Rob was shrek i was fiona and robbie was dronkey! It was very cute and we had a ton of fun. I got over 300 pieces of candy! yes thats 300! we froze it though and its not gone yet lol! so my cousins that i take every year came over with my uncle and we all went out then i went to my sisters and then brothers then finally to my aunts b/c it was her b-day and my cousin celebrated hers to. This has been a tradition for ever in my life. On Halloween we would go around our block then over to my aunts all of us cousins would be dressed up and it was fun. So here are some photos of our night!

Saturday, November 1, 2008
so I put up some pictures in there the vary from the start of oct. to the end. We went to a apple farm with my sister/brother in-law, our friends rob/jill, and us. It was fun and there are some pictures from when rob and I as a family went to a apple farm! Also there are pictures from when robbie got to pick out his first pumpkin! I have been on a field trip with my lil cousins class we went to a pumpkin farm and that was nice cold but fun so more pics of that.....also we went to the corning museum of glass with my mom, grandma, sister/brother in-law (my hubby was out of town). side story while we were there a Chinese man came up to me didn't speak English just pointed at my son and then his camera he wanted to take a photo of him while he was sleeping. well anyone of you who knows me knows i said no covered my son with my sisters jacket and ran! what is wrong with people don't take a photo of someone you don't know....its weird in my eyes i guess or i am the weird one!! I think that is about all of the photos i have up for now.....enjoy looking!
im back
So i have been in lala land i guess the past few weeks.....Ive been sick, baby was sick, then we were sick again and then working and just plain old busy! But who cares about that since the last time i was on here robbie is moving more and more. My mom gave him his own lil cupboard with all his plastic ware to play with! He is so cute with it because while im cooking there he is juts playing with his plates and cups! He gets up the step in 2 sec now which is good and bad because there is no time to just sit and relax its always follow that little baby. When i baby sit my cousins I hold him or put him in his seat because of the stairs (thinking of getting a gate for her house though would be a ton easier!) Other than that lets see i fixed up my downstairs paint new light and it looks a ton better! My hubby is working on the basement ceiling and trying to finish that because thanksgiving! Then more cleaning and getting the house ready because before we know it it will be here! well I am putting up some new photo so take a look!
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