Thursday, August 28, 2008

move it robbie bobbie

so my son is now learning the start of crawling!!!! He doesn't have it yet but soon he will! He gets his knees under him and then moves back and forth but doesn't get how to move one knee then the other and the arms to. It is cute to watch him try though because he gets frustrated and then just wales his arms and legs up and down like he is swimming! Well its okay if he doesn't crawl just yet because then I will be chasing him all over the house. I am starting to baby proof the house now because he will soon be by stairs and that just scars me. I don't want him to hurt himself at all so I am getting gates and the outlet plugs and well you get the point all of the baby proof things. He gets into everything just laying there on his blanket he rolls off and there he is right into the whatever is on the floor next to him so that means i have to vacuum everyday and make sure before I put him down there is nothing small that will get into his little mouth. It is scary now because all he does is puts everything in that little mouth because he doesn't know any better! This just means my eyes are on him the whole time he is on that floor!!!! well I will try and post a video of him moving his little tush but I don't know if it will go but look at a few new pics I put up!

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