Thursday, September 11, 2008

before i go....

SO before i leave on vacation i wanted to let you know my son went to the doctors and weights 17lb and his height is 27inches. He is healthy and got his 3 shots and the first one he didn't even cry because he was laughing then the next two he looked at me and started screaming! didn't do as well as heathers little girl but did good for what he usually does! Well so long for now i will try to update down in the sunny side but who knows if i will....well i know my sister wants to see my son because i got him new shades...check them out! I did a little fashion show before we left its funny! look below and then i added more in the photo album to! well talk to you all later!

one shot on this leg

Two on this leg...this is the side he cried for!

cool dude!

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