Saturday, June 28, 2008
sad day
very sad cousins wife died in that boating accident last night.....omg this sucks.
Friday, June 27, 2008
my fav. Bib......

This is my favorite bibs that I have gotten. It is from H and we us it all the time. I need more so I either need to learn how to make them or have H make it for me! They are the best thing ever and little R loves it. They make a great baby gift and they are so cute as well. So credit to my H for the best gift ever and something that my son and my future kids will always use!!!! Thank you H and you need to help me with more!
Little R's Big day


Brother in-law, Sister, And us

My mom and us

Me and my baby

My brother, R's Sister, and Us

The Cake and us
So my son got baptized and I was so proud of him b/c he didn't cry all mass the only time was the oil part but it was one little cry and that was it. Its was a great day and then after I had everyone (45 people) back for pulled pork and chicken salad and other good stuff. The cake was from Leo's and it was great looked good and tasted great.
Monday, June 16, 2008
what to make?
So Lil R's baptism is this weekend and I need to make a cake. I am not sure what to make we were going to order one but the place I wanted to get it from closed and I don't want a wegman's cake. So I decided I can just make one but now I am not sure what to make. I was going to do a sheet cake but I don't have a recipe then I considered making an ice cream cake. Let me know what you think?????
The baby who moves
So the other night Lil R started rolling over a ton and I was thinking we should move his mattress down so he wont fall out. Well we decided that we will do it another day because it was 11pm when I wanted to move it down so I was okay with that. That night he started crying bad at 330am I ran in to find him flipped on his back facing the other direction that he was laying when i put him down and his head had hit the side of the crib. He was okay but I was not I was up the rest of the night worrying about my baby. So the next day I put the mattress as low as it goes and we both slept a ton better. I did go in at 3am and his leg was hanging out the side I was just thinking to myself omg thank god i put you lower to the floor. My lil R is so cute though he is smiling more and starting to coo!!!! Its great being a mother!
My cousin and lil R day before wedding
Grandma and lil R
I taught him how to stick out his tongue!
This video has sound to it! Lil R was talking then he started to fuss and I know H hates it when I tape him crying!

This video has sound to it! Lil R was talking then he started to fuss and I know H hates it when I tape him crying!
my sisters wedding and more

So my sister got married and it was a great wedding. I think I was crying all day it was very emotional for me and then when I had to give the speech I lost it! I am so excited she is married now and my new brother in-law is great! After the wedding my sister and her husband went on their honeymoon and my mom and I went over to clean their house. They bought a house and closed on it right before the wedding so they had no time to clean. My sister wanted to move in when they got home so we went over and cleaned the whole downstairs and the upstairs bathroom. It took us all day and then we came home and crashed. So that night we rent P.S. I Love You. Lets just say I went threw a whole box of Kleenex. Then we rented 27 dresses the next night and it was okay not the best movie I have ever seen. It was a mom and me night for 2 nights while big r went to baseball. Well now I'm off to help my sister move!!!!!
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
busy busy busy
Its been a crazy weekend/week...sold robs car got my new van and now getting ready for my sisters wedding on sat. Cleaning the house getting things all in line need to write a speech for my sister and zak and during all of this take care of my son.... so i wont be on here till after the wedding!
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