So the other night Lil R started rolling over a ton and I was thinking we should move his mattress down so he wont fall out. Well we decided that we will do it another day because it was 11pm when I wanted to move it down so I was okay with that. That night he started crying bad at 330am I ran in to find him flipped on his back facing the other direction that he was laying when i put him down and his head had hit the side of the crib. He was okay but I was not I was up the rest of the night worrying about my baby. So the next day I put the mattress as low as it goes and we both slept a ton better. I did go in at 3am and his leg was hanging out the side I was just thinking to myself omg thank god i put you lower to the floor. My lil R is so cute though he is smiling more and starting to coo!!!! Its great being a mother!

My cousin and lil R day before wedding

Grandma and lil R

I taught him how to stick out his tongue!
This video has sound to it! Lil R was talking then he started to fuss and I know H hates it when I tape him crying!
1 comment:
Man he really is starting to look more like Daddy.....Hope R had a nice first Father's Day! Thanks for stopping the video before he got all worked up :)
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