So it's been crazy busy around this house so Its been about year since i blogged last and I am going to start this back up again. Robbie is almost 2 and Anthony will be 1 in June. Wow does this go fast and its sad because they are getting so big so fast and I just hate how time goes by like that. I am lucky to be able to work part time and be able to raise my kids and see them grow up. My life has changed alot from having two really scary pregnancies and then a blood clot in my lung. To be on this earth where I almost lost my life a three times means someone really wants me to stay around just a little bit longer. So i know there is something out there for me to accomplish and i am not sure what it is but i will be doing it. I know being a mother to my 2 wonderful boys is one of the things and i am obviously doing that so we will just wait and see what life will bring to the plate next......

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